ShopyEmpires Review

The dropshipping business is very lucrative, and with its increasing popularity, you also get an increase in software that aims to help people succeed in the business. ShopyEmpires is an agency that aims to do just that. ShopyEmpires comes in several packages that suit different levels of dropshippers, from complete newbies to advanced dropshippers who need some add-ons to boost business. Created by Zak Elson and Gary Martin and their team of developers based in New York, one of these packages might be what your business needs. The pricing for these packages is also very affordable to my surprise, as most dropshipping software available on the market are quite expensive. To find out which package is most suitable for you, keep reading!

I reviewed over 50+ courses & found the #1 dropshipping course.
(Best part is that it’s super affordable with a ton of student results!)

<strong>Why Listen To My Opinion? What Makes Me An Expert</strong>

Hey I’m Joshua. I have been full time entrepreneur since 2019. When I first started dropshipping, I tried MANY different dropshipping courses.

Many of them had similar information to what you can find on youtube. I ended up wasting not just my time but, my money. (Not just course cost but, ad spend.)

Since then, it has been my mission to review these courses to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. I have devoted over 400+ hours thoroughly researching various ecommerce courses!

What is ShopyEmpire?

ShopifyEmpires claims to be your one-stop web design package. It seems to be a reliable agency made up by a team of dropshipping experts who create high quality, high converting stores for your business. If you work in eCommerce, this could be very appealing as you need web design for your business. By purchasing the packages, you get like a personal manager for your store. So, it is essentially like outsourcing some work and integrating some aspects of your store. You are paying for a hosted eCommerce solution that allows you to set up a store and sell your products in no time.

The whole concept of this is to enable business-minded people to just focus on growing their business and outsource all the nitty-gritty details to them. Part of the Shopify Development Community, you also have a peace of mind that they are legitimate and trustworthy. Upon selecting your desired package, you even get a dedicated personal manager, and you will guide you through the initial design, training, and finally, launching your site. You also get access to a bunch of online training courses for running Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ads. There is also free professional feedback where you can fill out a form on the problems you might face, and they will provide necessary feedback. There is only one thing that irks me is that the screenshots and revenue claims seem a little off.

Who are Zak Elson and Gary Martin?

Shopify Empires or ShopyEmpires are dropshipping packages created by Zak Elson and Gary Martin way back in 2016. It is not just two of them now as they managed to build a team with an office based in New York for their entrepreneurial businesses. However, I could not find much on these guys’ experiences anywhere on the net. There is also no mention in their ‘about us’ section of their website, and no social media. Although I find this quite fishy, their packages seem to be entirely legitimate.

Who is ShopyEmpires For?

ShopyEmpires come in different levels of different price tags. Beginners to advanced dropshippers can benefit from these packages and to find out which is the one for you, head to the ‘what’s included’ section. I would think beginners will benefit more from this, more so if you are a beginner with no eCommerce experience whatsoever. Getting the premium package will help you get an up and running store, at least if you have the budget for it. I would suggest most beginners build their stores so that they get a feel of it. Creating your store also lets you earn the ins and outs of everything. Beginners will also benefit from the 24/7 support, as you can get help at any time you get a roadblock.

What is included in ShopyEmpires?

The three primary services or packages offered in ShopyEmpires are further discussed below:

Store Redesign and Optimisation

This package is available for $199, the cheapest out of all three bundles. If you already have an eCommerce store running and are seeking some plug-ins to boost conversions, then this is for you. This might apply to anyone who already has a store but is struggling to kick it off or who simply just wants higher conversions. What is included is an implementation of a premium theme, creating or improving your brand logo, and also a mobile-optimized version for your store. Mobile optimization is crucial if you want to stay ahead of the competition as most purchases nowadays are made via mobile phones. With this package, you can also seamlessly implement a review system to post reviews and even include pictures. With rave reviews and good quality pictures, Another good thing is Newsletter Integration, where you can build your email list to advertise or update customers on the latest brand developments. Another good thing about this is you can update customers on the latest sales or discounts to increase your Average Order Value. Other plus points of this package include SEO optimization, faster browsing, and lifetime 24/7 chat and support. Support is one thing I look out for in a good software because if something goes wrong, you need immediate help in troubleshooting.

Store Built from Scratch

This second highest package will cost you $249 and will apply to beginners who have not even found a niche or customers. Finding the right nice is essential, and having this guidance would be very advantageous. With this package, you will get help in analyzing, search, and pick a suitable niche. You will also get help in product sourcing as you get a guide on selecting, sourcing, and adding products of your chosen niche. This part usually takes up the bulk of your store building process because having the right products can make or break your business. To add these products, there is a third-party app to be installed to facilitate AliExpress dropshipping. Unfortunately, this app comes with extra costs. The package recommends that you get a premium theme, but does not include it. With a premium theme, you usually have everything built-in so you won’t have to fuss with the major add-ons or plug-ins. You also get other things with this package, such as creating a brand logo, SEO optimization, or unlimited page creations. All this helps with your branding and increasing traffic to your store.

As good as this package looks, I think you should go through the process of finding your niche and product yourself. Product research and addition is a vital component to learn. If you want to be the master of your business, this is essential.

Premium Package

This most expensive package will cost you $497 and would be suitable for complete beginners who have no experience in the dropshipping business. You get everything in the first two packages, and more. Beginners can use this package to get a tailored marketing plan and build a store from scratch. You will also get tailor-made Facebook Ad strategies. Usually, you will have to build all of this yourself, and probably even pay for a more expensive course to learn all of these functions. But by paying such a low price, and getting all this done for you, I think it is a good bargain. You even learn some strategies to get traffic as below!

Additionally, you will learn to leverage Instagram influencers to grow your business and Instagram Marketing. Instagram marketing and using influencers to market your store is an essential marketing strategy. You are essentially leveraging on the successful influencer’s audience base, so the more the followers, the more the sales, and the more successful your store will become.

This package also includes selecting, sourcing, and adding products to your store. A plug-in to import product reviews can be purchased, but you can also get it for free elsewhere. There are usually additional apps you can get like Amazon or Aliexpress that also comes with an additional price. However, the good part is that they come with free trials so you can have a go-to pick the right one for your business. Included is also an add-on for a newsletter integration.

ShopyEmpires Final Verdict

Although I couldn’t find much information on the two founders of this software, the packages seem to be quite useful. For beginners with the budget who can’t be fussed with building a functional store from scratch, the premium package will be a big help. For example, if you are a complete beginner and you simply just can’t wait to get your store off the ground and start selling, you can get a ready-made store with the fundamental functions to get sales. You can then continue to build on that. Even for advanced dropshippers who have their stores running and just need a little conversion boost, the other more affordable packages can help. The more affordable packages come with some add-ons that you never know was just what your store needs to get more sales. Honestly, I think the first and most affordable package has the most value as it even comes with mobile optimization for your store. You usually need to spend more on that. Also, it can help you build a mailing list, which is an essential part of the business from my experience.

Lastly, the fact that there is 24/7 support available for life is another bonus. I don’t think I would sign up if this wasn’t included. 24/7 support means that if you ever encounter any problems with any of these packages, you can simply reach out to them and get it resolved quickly. What this means is lesser downtime for your store, and it won’t hinder your store from getting sales. Sometimes, an extended downtime will also affect customer reviews as they get frustrated when problems keep happening when making a purchase. Another thing is that you even get a personal manager during the initial stages to guide you through the whole process. This bonus is quite rare, and if you are a beginner, you should sign up!

I have gone through a lot of these dropshipping guru courses and personally, a lot of them are overpriced courses with very little information. They always try to sell you the dream or the lifestyle rather than actually selling you information. Dropshipping is not an overnight get-rich-quick scheme but, a lot of these gurus make it out like that. That’s why they ask for ridiculous prices for their courses. So, I personally get why you’d not trust these courses.

I have reviewed over 50+ dropshipping and eCommerce courses on my blog and by far the best course I recommend for any beginner or intermediate dropshipper is eCom Elites by Franklin Hatchett. Now, the reason why I love this course is that it’s one of the most affordable dropshipping courses out there and it has literally over 150+ videos. Franklin’s been doing dropshipping for many many years even before it was made famous by a lot of the gurus.

Now if you are still wondering whether you should try it out or not, you should read my eCom Elites Review to make an informed decision on whether or not you should get it or not.

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