Ecom Savages Review | Leon Green Course

With all the heftily priced eCommerce courses out there, this eCom Savage course by Leon Green is one of the more ‘affordable’ ones at $197.

Nonetheless, some argue that this is still quite a significant amount for beginner dropshippers as they usually have low budgets.

Therefore, I have been getting many requests to review the course, and in this review, that is exactly what we will do. eCom Savages claims to be the beginner drop shipper’s guide to success.

Whether or not this is true, there is only one way to find out, keep reading!

I reviewed over 50+ courses & found the #1 dropshipping course.
(Best part is that it’s super affordable with a ton of student results!)

<strong>Why Listen To My Opinion? What Makes Me An Expert</strong>

Hey I’m Joshua. I have been full time entrepreneur since 2019. When I first started dropshipping, I tried MANY different dropshipping courses.

Many of them had similar information to what you can find on youtube. I ended up wasting not just my time but, my money. (Not just course cost but, ad spend.)

Since then, it has been my mission to review these courses to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. I have devoted over 400+ hours thoroughly researching various ecommerce courses!

Overview: eCom Savage

Program Name: eCom Savage
Author: Leon Green
Socials: Youtube, Facebook
Price: $197
Type: Training Program
Niche: Dropshipping

What is eCom Savage?

eCom Savage is a dropshipping course that aims to be a complete dropshipping guide for beginners who wish to use Facebook ads as their primary marketing strategy.

Who is Leon Green?

eCom Savages Author Leon Green

Leon Green is entirely new in the eCommerce scene. I know him firstly from his YouTube channel, where he claims to be a successful entrepreneur. From his YouTube, this looks evident as he has 64 videos on the business. Being new, his YouTube channel only has around 3,500 subscribers, but this number seems to be growing.

Who is eCom Savages For?

On the outside, the course marketing seems to target beginner dropshippers and that they can use this for success. However, as I go through the course modules, I don’t think the course material is sufficient to be a complete guide, and not for eCommerce success. As an experienced eCommerce business owner myself, I know that you will need more than this. Leon also only briefly touches on one marketing strategy.

What is included in eCom Savages?

The ‘what’s included’ section for most reviews are usually the most extensive, but with eCom Savages, there is not much to say. This occurs because there is only not much course material. You get a total of 9 videos, and it begins with product research, where Leon talks about in-demand products and products that aren’t frequently discussed. Leon doesn’t really give an introduction before that, like choosing a general or niche store. I think this is very important, especially if the course is targeted for beginners.

Leon then moves on to discuss how your store should look. The look of your store is usually subjective to every individual, but Leon talks about it like it is the most crucial part. I mean, it is essential, but he fails to mention other more important aspects.

Then, Leon recommends several apps that can help you boost sales and reduce your daily workload. Moving on, you will learn about writing product descriptions that will make your products more appealing to your customers, reflecting in more sales.

Lastly, Leon talks about using Facebook Ads to test products. He also includes scaling and terminating ads that don’t work. He follows this by how you can determine which ads are working and which aren’t.

Final Thoughts

For the price, I thought eCom Savages could be an excellent guide to recommend to beginner dropshippers. However, I found the whole thing quite disappointing as each topic lacks depth. If you are a beginner and you still want to sign up, I suggest you only do it if you have extra money to spend. I say this because you might end up spending even more money to get more information as this course wouldn’t be enough to teach you all you need to know.

I have gone through a lot of these dropshipping guru courses and personally, a lot of them are overpriced courses with very little information. They always try to sell you the dream or the lifestyle rather than actually selling you information. Dropshipping is not an overnight get-rich-quick scheme but, a lot of these gurus make it out like that. That’s why they ask for ridiculous prices for their courses. So, I personally get why you’d not trust these courses.

I have reviewed over 50+ dropshipping and eCommerce courses on my blog and by far the best course I recommend for any beginner or intermediate dropshipper is eCom Elites by Franklin Hatchett. Now, the reason why I love this course is that it’s one of the most affordable dropshipping courses out there and it has literally over 150+ videos. Franklin’s been doing dropshipping for many many years even before it was made famous by a lot of the gurus.

Now if you are still wondering whether you should try it out or not, you should read my eCom Elites Review to make an informed decision on whether or not you should get it or not.

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