Advanced Dropshipping Academy Review – Chris Wane Course

You might have come across the Advanced Dropshipping Academy by Chris Wane. But before you set sail on this course, let’s weigh the anchor and take a closer look. 

So, is the Advanced Dropshipping Academy legit? Short answer: Yeah, it’s legit. It’s got Chris Wane, a real dude making real moolah with dropshipping, leading the way. It’s got some top-notch Facebook ad training, and it’s not breaking the bank

But, and it’s a big but, if you’re already an eCommerce Jedi with lightsabers of your own, you might not find much new here. Chris is all about Facebook ads, and while that’s rad, it’s not the entire digital galaxy.

But is it worth hoisting the flag for? In this review, I’ll help you navigate through the course’s offerings, pros, and cons to determine if it’s the right course to invest in. 

<strong>Don't Have Time? Here's A Quick Summary</strong>

Price: $497
Creator: Chris Wane
Do I Recommend? No
Rating: 6.5/10

This course is like a mixed bag of tricks. Some of its aspects impressed me, but none that blew my socks off.

It can help if you are starting off.  The course is your entry ticket to the dropshipping world, but it’s all about Facebook Ads – a bit like having only one flavor of ice cream in a shop. 

What about Instagram and Google Shopping? Other platforms? No in-depth focus on niche selection, product identification, or SEO.  Chris Wane seems legit, no doubt. Yet, for the price tag, I’d expect a more well-rounded experience.

Having been around the dropshipping block, I know there are other options that offer more for your dime.

I reviewed over 50+ courses & found the #1 dropshipping course.
(Best part is that it’s super affordable with a ton of student results!)

<strong>Why Listen To My Opinion? What Makes Me An Expert</strong>

Hey I’m Joshua. I have been full time entrepreneur since 2019. When I first started dropshipping, I tried MANY different dropshipping courses.

Many of them had similar information to what you can find on youtube. I ended up wasting not just my time but, my money. (Not just course cost but, ad spend.)

Since then, it has been my mission to review these courses to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. I have devoted over 400+ hours thoroughly researching various ecommerce courses!

Who Is Chris Wane?
Chris Wane

Chris Wane isn’t your typical instructor. He’s a dropshipping dynamo who’s made a name for himself in the ever-evolving realm of online business. While he might not have a superhero cape or a movie franchise, his journey is quite inspiring for dropshippers like you and me. 

Chris Wane didn’t stumble into the online world – he strutted in. He’s a young British entrepreneur who’s been cruising the digital highways for quite some time. 

If you take a peek at his YouTube channel, you’ll find around 11K subscribers and over 200,000 views. Not too shabby, right?

Chris isn’t just about flashy thumbnails and clickbait titles. No, he’s actually making money with dropshipping, and that’s not something every YouTube guru can say. He’s the real deal, someone who’s been featured in videos by Oberlo, a prominent name in the dropshipping universe.

So, what’s his story of success? Well, it’s not the typical rags-to-riches tale, but more like a steady climb. Chris’s dropshipping journey has been a mixture of trial, error, and persistent learning. He’s walked the path of finding the right products to sell, mastering the art of advertising on platforms like Facebook, and building his own e-commerce empire.

He’s all about sharing his knowledge with others who are looking to venture into the same world. His success story isn’t just about the dollars he’s raked in; it’s about empowering others to succeed in the digital landscape.

In a world where authenticity can sometimes be a rare gem, Chris Wane stands out. He’s not peddling get-rich-quick schemes. But he can work his way to improve this course for sure. 

Advanced Dropshipping Academy In Depth Review

Led by Chris Wane, a seasoned dropshipping entrepreneur, this course offers a comprehensive journey into the art of online retail.

Inside, you’ll discover 84 lessons meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricacies of dropshipping. Chris Wane, your trusty instructor, brings real-world experience to the table, ensuring you’re learning from someone who’s been there and done that.

Delve into the realm of Facebook ads with a laser-focused approach. Master the ins and outs of launching, testing, scaling, and optimizing your ads. Chris’s expertise shines through in this module, making it a standout feature of the course.

However, keep in mind that while Facebook ads take the spotlight, other traffic-generation techniques like Instagram and Google Shopping ads are not part of the curriculum.

If you’re new to dropshipping and seek a solid foundation, the Advanced Dropshipping Academy could be your ticket. It’s an opportunity to learn from a proven entrepreneur in the field and acquire the skills to navigate the eCommerce landscape.

Advanced Dropshipping Academy Course Contents

Here’s a Module Breakdown of the Advanced Dropshipping Academy Course:


So, you kick off your dropshipping journey with a solid overview of the eCommerce landscape. Chris Wane walks you through the essentials, from understanding dropshipping to picking your niche. It’s a good starting point for beginners, it gives you the foundation of your online business.

What’s Good: The introduction sets the tone for the course, providing clarity on the dropshipping concept and helping you make informed niche choices.

What I Didn’t Like: While the introduction covers the basics well, it lacks an in-depth exploration of the challenges students may face.

Finding A Winning Product:

Here you learn the art of product hunting. Chris dives into spotting products with high potential, reliable suppliers, and optimal pricing. This module equips you with the skills to curate a winning product lineup.

What’s Good: I liked the clear guidance on identifying products that sell and avoiding unreliable suppliers.

What I Didn’t Like: The module only covers the basics of supplier checks. It falls short of giving you the knowledge on how to set your target products, niche selection and strategies.  

Building Your Store:

This section teaches you how to create your Shopify store. Chris guides you through setting up your digital shop, integrating apps, and optimizing your store for conversions.

What’s Good: The step-by-step store setup process helps newcomers navigate Shopify effectively.

What I Didn’t Like: The information provided here is pretty standard and can be found for free elsewhere. Why pay for what you can learn for free on YouTube? 

Facebook Ads – Introduction:

Here you get ready for the heart of the course: Facebook ads. You get to learn how to navigate Facebook’s ad platform and install the Facebook Pixel for accurate tracking.

What’s Good: The introduction primes you for the upcoming Facebook ads mastery.

What I Didn’t Like: The content stays at a basic level, missing opportunities to explore advanced ad strategies. I did think they saved it for later, but that too fell short. 

Facebook Ads – Launch Theory:

Here’s where the Facebook ad journey truly begins. He tries to help you Master ad testing, optimization, and maximizing your ad’s profit potential.

What’s Good: Good breakdown of launching and optimizing ad campaigns.

What I Didn’t Like: I wanted more examples and real-world case studies for diverse scenarios and niches. As a dropshipper, it always helps if you get to see how a product is doing in the real world. 

Facebook Ads – Test Phase:

You’ll get to explore video ads and the art of effective ad testing to ensure your money is well spent on campaigns that convert.

What’s Good: Practical insights into video ad creation and testing methodology.

What I Didn’t Like: Where were the audience-targeting chapters? Your test phase does not go through without knowing who it is you are selling to! For a course focussed on Facebook ads, I am not sure how they turned out to be a magpie in this topic. 

Facebook Ads – Data Phase:

This module helps you decode the metrics of success. You get to understand Facebook Pixel data, learn to create lookalike audiences and harness carousel ads’ power.

What’s Good: Thorough coverage of Pixel data analysis and audience creation.

What I Didn’t Like: No complaints on this one but I did think they could cover and explore carousel ads’ potential much more practically.

Facebook Ads – Scaling Phase:

This module teaches you to take your winning ads and elevate them to new heights for maximum profitability.

What’s Good: Practical tips for scaling your successful campaigns.

What I Didn’t Like: This module wasn’t in-depth and lacked real guidance on handling ad fatigue and creative refresh strategies.

Facebook Ads – Optimization Phase:

In this section, you learn to fine-tune your ads by exploring new ad types, audiences, and advanced optimization techniques.

What’s Good: Fair coverage of ad optimization, diving into advanced strategies.

What I Didn’t Like: The instructor keeps the module mostly theoretical, unfortunately. This needed hands-on, practical teaching where students would benefit from a live example. 

Order Fulfillment:

Here you learn the nuts and bolts of order fulfillment using tools like Oberlo and Dsers.

What’s Good: Practical guidance on streamlining order fulfillment processes.

What I Didn’t Like: Given Chri’s history with Oberlo, I was excited about this module but it failed to impress me. He kept it shallow and held back to share more ways to manage order fulfillment at scale.

Retargeting Customers:

Here, you get to know how to retarget customers through email, texts, and Facebook Messenger for enhanced conversions.

What’s Good: The customer retargeting techniques seemed interesting and unique. 

What I Didn’t Like: Retargeting is as vast as it can get and this module could really elevate the course, had it included more additional strategies, such as influencer collaborations. 

Outsourcing and Automation:

In this module, you explore the art of outsourcing customer support and order fulfillment for better time management.

What’s Good: You get a good peak into outsourcing tasks for business efficiency.

What I Didn’t Like: Again, this module shortened a topic that needed more content and time. I wasn’t impressed with the contents of this section. They could offer more detailed guidelines on finding reliable outsourcing partners.

Branding and Growth:

This module lets you dabble in the world of branding with print-on-demand and private labeling concepts.

What’s Good: Introduces you to branding strategies for eCommerce businesses.

What I Didn’t Like: The introduction is the only good part and the rest of the instructions seem to be repetitive and shallow. They could provide more depth on branding strategies that align with different niches. There’s no focus on SEO or social media marketing either. 

Selling Your Store:

Here, you learn to sell your eCommerce store for a lucrative exit. You can learn the ins and outs of making your business appealing to potential buyers.

What’s Good: You do get practical guidance on preparing your store for a successful sale.

What I Didn’t Like:  They missed out on important topics that make a good course, a great one. I don’t remember the course giving lessons on negotiation strategies and handling the selling process in more detail.

Course Wrap Up:

The last section gives you concluding remarks and a summary of key takeaways.

What’s Good: A concise wrap-up of the course content and its significance.

What I Didn’t Like: The last part, although it might not seem so, often is what makes up your mind about the course. Sadly, it wasn’t a lesson I would remember much from. They would do a better job if they included a stronger call to action or guidance on post-course steps.


You get access to valuable bonus content, including Shopify app recommendations, customer service templates, and Facebook ad case studies.

What’s Good: Additional resources to enhance your eCommerce journey are always welcome! 

What I Didn’t Like: Nothing to complain about. 

How much is the Chris Wane course?

The Advanced Dropshipping Academy by Chris Wane offers three pricing options to accommodate different budgets. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing details:

  • Option 1- Price: $497.00 (One-Time Payment)
  • Option 2- Price: 3 payments of $197.00 each (Total: $591.00)
  • Option 3- Price: 7 payments of $97.00 each (Total: $679.00)

All these options include full lifetime access to the course, free future updates, bonus content, and access to the private students’ group.

Refund Policy Of Advanced Dropshipping Academy

The course has a strict refund policy. In general, all purchases, including subscriptions and payment plans, are considered final and non-refundable.

However, there are specific refund guarantees for different courses:

32-Day Money Back Online Offer: This offer allows clients to request a refund within 32 days of purchase under certain conditions. To be eligible, clients must meet several criteria, including completing specific course tasks and generating no sales within the specified timeframe.

Product Accelerator Program – 14-Day Money Back Offer: For the Data Driven Product Accelerator mini-course, there’s a 14-day money-back guarantee. If clients are unhappy with the content, they can request a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

Pros Of Advanced Dropshipping Academy Course

  • Well-structured course with step-by-step modules.
  • Chris Wane has genuine experience and success in dropshipping.
  • Lifetime access, future updates, and a private student group.
  • Fairly priced compared to some other high-ticket courses.
  • Covers product research, store setup, and order fulfillment.
  • Helpful bonus content including Shopify app recommendations.

Cons Of Advanced Dropshipping Academy Course

  • Focuses solely on Facebook Ads, neglecting other important traffic sources like Instagram and Google Shopping.
  • Limited coverage of advanced eCommerce strategies beyond Facebook Ads.
  • No emphasis on SEO, organic traffic, or alternative marketing methods.
  • Course content might not offer significant value to experienced eCommerce entrepreneurs.
  • Some content, like setting up a Shopify store, can be found for free on other platforms.
  • The course’s price could be considered relatively high for its content offering.
  • The course promises significant financial success, which might not be realistic for everyone.

Does The Course Deliver What It Promises?

I can bear it out that the Advanced Dropshipping Academy by Chris Wane does offer some important lessons on dropshipping and eCommerce.But it’s not exactly the end-all, be-all solution it claims to be. 

The course does deliver on providing an introduction to the basics of dropshipping, which can be beneficial if you’re just starting out and looking to grasp the fundamentals.

Where it falls a bit short is in the depth of its content. Yes, there’s comprehensive training on Facebook Ads, which is a crucial part of dropshipping, but here’s the twist – the course is solely focused on Facebook Ads. 

And in the dynamic realm of eCommerce, that’s like bringing a knife to a multi-tool fight. There’s a whole bunch of other traffic generation methods out there, like Instagram and Google Shopping, that this course completely leaves out.

Moreover, if you’re already an experienced eCommerce pro, there’s not much here that’ll light up your world. It’s like telling a gourmet chef to make a peanut butter sandwich – they’re probably looking for more exciting recipes. 

So, long story short – yes, the course has its merits, but it’s not the holy grail of dropshipping courses. If you’re a total beginner and don’t mind the Facebook Ads focus, it could be a decent start. 

But if you’re looking for a more well-rounded and comprehensive dropshipping journey, you might want to keep your options open.


Does Chris Wayne offer any free resources to test out his teaching style before committing to this course?

Yes, Chris Wane offers a YouTube channel where he shares some tokens into the world of drop shipping. While his YouTube presence might not be the grandest, it’s a way to get a taste of his teaching style and approach without shelling out any cash. 

How long does it take to complete the course?

It is a self-paced course. This means you can go through the content at your own speed. Depending on your prior knowledge, time availability, and learning pace, completing the course could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. 

The good news is that self-paced courses like this give you the flexibility to learn at a pace that fits your schedule and learning style. 

Final Thoughts

The Advanced Dropshipping Academy by Chris Wane promises a lot – from mastering the art of product selection to navigating the intricacies of Facebook advertising. But these promises are a bit too much and can raise your expectations a tad too high.

There are certainly things to appreciate about this course. Chris Wane’s legitimacy as a dropshipper is reassuring, and his genuine insights bring a level of authenticity to the content.

However, the course is heavily centered on Facebook Ads, leaving out other vital traffic avenues like Instagram and Google Shopping. This singular focus might leave you wondering if you’re missing out on holistic strategies for success. 

As someone who’s ventured into the world of dropshipping courses, I’ve come to realize that the same investment can sometimes unlock better resources elsewhere. 

As I mentioned, Chris Wane’s course is a decent starting point for beginners looking to dive into dropshipping; it might not satisfy those seeking a more well-rounded, up-to-date education in the field.

So, before jumping in, it’s worth exploring other options in the dropshipping course realm – ones that offer a broader spectrum of strategies and insights at a similar price point.

Save Your Precious Time & Money (Use The Rest On Ads!)

I have gone through a lot of these dropshipping guru courses and personally, a lot of them are overpriced courses with very little information. They always try to sell you the dream or the lifestyle rather than actually selling you information. Dropshipping is NOT an overnight get-rich-quick scheme but, a lot of these gurus make it out like that. That’s why they ask for ridiculous prices for their courses. So, I personally get why you’d NOT trust these courses.

I have reviewed over 50+ dropshipping and eCommerce courses on my blog and by far the BEST course I recommend for any beginner or intermediate dropshipper is eCom Elites by Franklin Hatchett. Now, the reason why I love this course is that it’s one of the most affordable dropshipping courses out there and it has literally over 150+ videos. Franklin’s been doing dropshipping for many many years even before it was made famous by a lot of the gurus.

Now if you are still wondering whether you should try it out or not, you should read my eCom Elites Review to make an informed decision on whether or not you should get it or not.

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Article Title: Advanced Dropshipping Academy Review – Chris Wane Course
Author: Joshua
Contributors: Community
Site Name: eComBusinessHub

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