Booster Theme Review

Shopify powered dropshipping stores are more popular now than ever before. Nevertheless, the truly successful businesses use premium templates they can customize to maximize the ROI of their stores. This article is my honest, in-depth Booster theme review that will show you how this template can do wonders for your dropshipping business. Keep reading to learn what are the biggest advantages and drawbacks of this Shopify template, as well as its most important features and capabilities.

But before we delve into the many impressive features of Booster Theme, let’s first take a look at why you should choose Shopify as your e-commerce platform.

Why Shopify?

Shopify really understands the whole “brand” thing. It supports online sales from a product brand, as well as shipping. This goes to the heart of “branding,” which includes all the elements that make a brand–name, website, packaging, stickers, magnets, catalogs. It also supports social media marketing but takes it more seriously than most platforms.

The platform includes a whole range of services, such as inventory management, payment processing, shipping, and shipping labels.

Shopify’s huge customer base demonstrates that this company is a power broker in the e-commerce ecosystem. Shopify has more than 1 million businesses of all sizes using its technology–and that customer base only grew.

In-depth Booster Theme Review

To start with, you should know that the Booster theme comes in three pricing variants: single site license, two licenses, and five licenses. Since the price is quite steep, users have the opportunity to save money by choosing the most appropriate package.

Booster Theme Features

Let’s take a closer look at the main features of this theme. You’ll see what makes me recommend it as one of the smartest choices for dropshipping stores.

Seamless Mobile Optimization

As you may already know, most internet users do their shopping on their mobile devices. This means that your website should cater to these users in order to help them find and purchase the things they need. About 89 percent of the time that an internet user visits your website, he or she is likely to use a mobile device to conduct an internet transaction.

If you don’t have a mobile-first approach to your website, then you’re taking a risk. Not only are you risking losing potential customers, but you’re also potentially going to lose your organic SERPs, which is essential for any business to survive online.

Any Booster theme review should stress how important mobile optimization is for the conversion rates and for the profitability of your business.

Product detail pages generated by the Booster theme are perfectly optimized for mobile. Booster theme, in other words, will have an impact on the performance of your product, while the overall mobile content, in the end, becomes the main source of the brand value. They showcase the most important information above the fold in order to help users find the product name, the price, and the Add to Cart button without having to scroll. This not only increases conversion rates but also increases brand engagement, especially among users who are new to your website. Furthermore, you can choose between several product page designs such as the Amazon-like Marketplace layout and the wider but highly converting Standard layout.

One thing to keep in mind is that your online store’s page layout needs to provide the most amount of information relevant to your target audience, as well as the most functionality, which will help them sort through your listings faster and make the most of your product range. This, in return, will help you sell faster and ensure that you can continue to grow your business. And booster theme gets you all of these features set with a responsive design.

I’d recommend that you split test Booster Theme layouts, in order to determine the one that brings you the highest conversion rates.

Customer Acquisition Features

This is obviously one of the most important parts of the business, and it’s on Booster Theme that you get to start. Booster Theme empowers you with multiple business-oriented marketing features for facilitating the most common means of acquiring customers: through intelligently crafted pop-ups, as well as through direct mailing, SEO, and superior user-friendly design.

Direct to Checkout

Thanks to this feature, you can keep the number of abandoned carts low. Unfortunately, many internet users get distracted and forget about completing their purchases. Thanks to the Booster theme, you’ll be able to shorten the buyer’s journey, allowing your users to quickly jump to the payment page. The main role of the Buy Now button is to redirect shoppers directly to the checkout page, completely skipping the shopping cart page. In fact, someone who wants to buy a single item doesn’t need to see the shopping cart page at all. This makes the Buy Now button ideal for users who want to quickly jump from checkout to the shopping cart and the rest of the checkout process.

The Direct to Checkout feature isn’t new. However, many dropshipping themes require you to purchase and install a separate app to enable it. If you opt for the Booster theme, you’ll have it already included in the initial package.

Cart Page Optimization

Even though skipping the shopping cart works well for some users, the truth is that the presence of this page can increase the average value of an order. The most noticeable effect of skipping the shopping cart is a more simplified and intuitive checkout experience, with the help of the Buy Now button, but often it’s not a suitable option for a lot of user scenarios. Many customers like to roam around the website to seek for more things to add to their shopping carts, so it would be a shame to waste this great potential to sell more.

Special Offers Countdown Timer

One of the features I love most is the countdown timer that creates a sense of urgency and scarcity, determining people to make up their minds and complete their purchases faster.

It can also be a fun way to build up the trust and loyalty of a brand. A countdown can make people want to add the item to their cart. It is a way to gauge the brand presence and establish a high bar in how well the product is understood by the public.

This doesn’t mean I agree with sleazy marketers trying to lure buyers by displaying fake countdown timers. On the contrary, I think this is an amazing opportunity to make the most out of your promotions.

Recent Sales Pop-Ups

If you already have a very busy website, you may not need to show off by letting your users know what other people have just purchased on your website. However, for a new business, this feature can be a great endorsement of your authority as a shop.

In fact, it can be a great way to make your website’s popularity more visible without putting too much effort into it. In some cases, it can even serve to attract new customers to your company because they will know that you are providing something that the public is interested in.

According to the theory of broken windows, people who see other people doing something are more inclined to do the same, so they will feel an urge to buy something on your website. Even though this is a widely used feature, other themes require a premium app to integrate it. With Booster, you have it right out of the box.

Related Products

If you do your shopping online, you may already use the Related Products feature a lot. I know I do use it. This is why I felt that my Booster theme review wouldn’t be complete if I hadn’t mentioned it.

Related Products feature empowers you to display a few additional related products below every product page of different categories in your site. This way, you can enrich your product pages with more related products to further draw in potential customers.

Many times, these related products may be closer to what a buyer really wants. Also, they may be more expensive, thus making you more money, provided that the user decides to buy one of those items instead of their original one.

Exit Intent Popup

Exit pop-ups are a great method to showcase your discounts to people leaving your website, just as they hit the Back button of their browser or try to close the page. This is by far the most effective way to market your products or offer your customers a special discount, so they don’t leave without purchasing something.

Thanks to the Booster theme, you’ll be able to offer these people discount codes and coupons to use on their next visit. You can rest assured that many of them will return to cash in their coupon. If you want, you can also set up welcome pop-ups with Booster, without the need for any add-on or premium app.

Automatic Theme Updater

Some Shopify themes require a new set up of the shop each and every time you want to apply an update. With Booster, you don’t have to worry about future updates breaking your layout or scrambling your design elements. Thanks to the one-click update app, your shop will always be up to date with the latest version of the theme, without any effort from your side. Also, the initial installation is pretty straightforward, and it doesn’t require IT knowledge or coding skills.

Seamless Customer Support

If you already have an online store, you know how important it is to have someone to reach out to for support in times of trouble. The support team is available 24/7, all year round. They do their best to respond to all of your queries within 24 hours. This should cover most of the situations that may arise to most of their customers.


Initially, when the Booster Theme was first launched, it was priced at $99 for a single site license that allowed marketers and business owners to use the theme in one of their Shopify stores, taking advantage of its true capabilities. However, as the consumer base for this theme grew, the developers decided to increase its price to $179, stating that most of the features available in version 2 are new or completely re-engineered. The truth is that all of its features remain the same, and the only thing that has really changed is its tailoring capabilities.


  • Impressive, versatile and effective design
  • Optimized for mobile and for the fast loading of the pages
  • In-built functions such as Direct to Checkout, Exit Intent pop-ups, Related Products, recent sales pop-up messages, Countdown Timers, and optimized cart pages
  • Support for ten languages
  • One-click theme updates
  • Excellent customer support
  • Three pricing options


  • More expensive than other premium themes
  • No unlimited websites license
  • No refunds

Where to buy Booster Theme? Booster Theme Discount

You can purchase Booster theme for a discount price here.


The main conclusion of this Booster theme review is that it is one of the highest-converting Shopify themes available today. Easy to set up and chocked full of conversion-boosting features, Booster is a great choice for any Shopify-driven dropshipping website, regardless of size, traffic levels, and a number of items.

Even though the pricing isn’t the most user-friendly of all, this Shopify template can help you earn all of your money back in almost no time. Sometimes, a small boost of your conversion rates can bring you way more money than you’ve spent on Booster. Just do the math to see how fast you can earn your money back with your new and improved dropshipping store.

It is worth mentioning here, though, that you should invest some time into tweaking and adjusting your Booster theme for success. Always use A/B split testing to figure out what the best layouts and the best headlines are. Play around with colors and calls to action, and make sure you use the exit intention pop-ups to offer your potential customers valuable discount codes to use on their next purchases.

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