Next Gen eCom Review

Next Gen eCom is Tanner Planes’ second course, after his former Zero To One Thousand, but you can still get the latter. Next Gen eCom is nearly $500, so it’s still a considerable investment, and it’s only natural that you want to ensure you get your money’s worth.

That’s what we’re clearing up today: does this course have what it takes to take you to eCommerce success?

The course is supposed to be a detailed guide for Tanner’s approaches (as well as his students’) to his own ventures. That means it’s mostly a list of recommended methods and programs.

I reviewed over 50+ courses & found the #1 dropshipping course.
(Best part is that it’s super affordable with a ton of student results!)

<strong>Why Listen To My Opinion? What Makes Me An Expert</strong>

Hey I’m Joshua. I have been full time entrepreneur since 2019. When I first started dropshipping, I tried MANY different dropshipping courses.

Many of them had similar information to what you can find on youtube. I ended up wasting not just my time but, my money. (Not just course cost but, ad spend.)

Since then, it has been my mission to review these courses to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. I have devoted over 400+ hours thoroughly researching various ecommerce courses!

What is Next Gen eCom?

It’s an eCommerce course made up by 15 different modules. Each module covers an aspect of eCommerce, from building to marketing and scaling; it starts with the basics before diving into more advanced content.

Teachables is where you pay and access the course, and you can access the lessons through any device you own.

Each module has between 3 and 6 videos, and you can also access the same content in text with additional slideshows. A nice addition to this course is that Tanner invited different dropshippers to collaborate for this course. Among he names, we have Noah Brewer, Hayden Bowles, and Parik Basnet.

There’s about 90 videos in total, which makes good volume.

Who is Tanner Planes?

Tanner is one of the young eCommerce success stories you can find covered on the internet. He comes from the US, and besides his eCommerce ventures, he also has a YouTube channel with a respectable audience.

Tanner started his internet entrepreneurship using Vine; if you don’t know what it is, think of an older TikTok. He was an affiliate marketer, and he moved to Instagram after Vine’s retirement; he sold shout outs and promotion to different businesses.

However, Tanner moved to eCommerce back in 2017, and he used his YouTube channel to document the entire process. His YouTube now has almost 100,000 subscribers, and his content is the usual eCom YouTube content: tips, strategies, and promoting his course.

He also has over 50,000 followers on Instagram, but it’s more of a lifestyle diary than useful content.

Who is Next Gen eCom for?

Plain and simple, it’s a good course for beginners who don’t really care about having many marketing approaches in their trick bag.

However, you do have to keep in mind that people with more experience will know a lot of what’s explained here already.

What is included in Next Gen eCom?


The first module is just a 2-video intro. You’re welcomed to the course and told how to access the group.

Dropshipping basics

The next module is sort of a second introduction, this time to the business model. There are 3 videos explaining how dropshipping works and what it is. You also learn some more advanced bits like how Shopify stores work and some automation for order fulfillment.

Product research

Like the name suggests, the videos in this section are about finding products. You first learn what are general and niche stores and how to choose which one you want to venture into.

The rest of the module is an assortment of methods: IG influencers, checking out others’ Facebook Ads, and looking at other people’s stores to find what they sell.

Product pages

This module teaches you how you add new products for your store and why product collections are important. You also learn how to write good descriptions for your products and how the result should look before moving to the next module.

Recommended apps

Pretty much what the title says: Tanner shows you some apps for Shopify used by both him and his students. These focus on boosting your conversions as well as gathering relevant data from your visitors.

4 apps in total make up these sections: Bold Upsell and Trust Badges being the most popular ones. The lessons cover why they’re useful and exactly what kind of functionality they add to your store.

Marketing with your backend

This module focuses on helping you ensures sales work in autopilot. This is great because you get more free time to spend on other processes, reducing how much you dedicate to backend tasks.

There’s a bit on email marketing, including the most common ways dropshippers mess up during setup. There’s also a recommended app for improving conversions that Tanner recommends: Klaviyo.

Parek Basnet joins Tanner in this module. They explain which email types you have at your disposal and should use; these include welcome emails as well as purchase and abandoned carts mails.

The module closes with audience segmentation and manual campaigns.

Branding before launch

This module covers a few tasks you want to overtake to work on your branding before launching your store.

It covers how you create a good logo, how to set up your social media accounts, how to include posts to build credibility through engagement, and generally optimizing your store. Don’t worry, you won’t build your brand right away, but these are the steps to cover the fundamentals.


The 8th module starts off by teaching you how to configure your FB Ad manager as well as installing your Pixel for your website.

There’s another video explaining 2 options for your store launch: FB Ads and IG influencers.

Influencers for launch

This is the first marketing approach covered by the course. It’s quite smaller than the Facebook Ads section, but it does require a bit less knowledge.

You basically learn how to write good copy for your ads to improve conversions. Then, it moves into reaching out to influencers: finding the best ones for your needs, how to contact them properly, and negotiating once they reply to you.

Facebook Ads for launch

This is the second marketing approach discussed. This section also features Dennis White and Noah Brewer.

It starts off with the right mindset and general directions you want to follow when finding products and then testing them.

The last videos close by explaining how to create testing campaigns and analyzing your results.


This one is basically how to build on your initial success. There are some advanced strategies like lookalikes, retargetting, custom audiences, and how to implement these methods.

FB Ads and research 2019 update

This is just an update module focused on more recent marketing tips. It offers a couple new product research methods, choosing between video and image ads, calculating budgets, winning product criteria, expanding your budget and CBO campaigns.

“Mastering eCommerce”

This is another somewhat shallow module. It’s given by Hayden Bowles, and it’s mostly just how he runs his own dropshipping ventures, researches products, and advertises.

Lesser-known marketing methods

Module 14 is an interesting assortment of relatively obscure strategies. It also features Matt Faber, and the strategies include 3×3 grids and Vyper Giveaways. The last video on chat bots is quite interesting.

Store maintenance and automation

The last module is a list of processes you want to develop to keep your store healthy and efficient. You learn about automation and outsourcing as well as what tasks you can use these on.

Richard also explains how to hire employees, train them, how to keep your audience engagement to get recurrent customers and how to cope with success.


This isn’t really critical content for you as an entrepreneur, but it does answer some questions like what to do if influencers don’t post ads, you get visitors but not sales, lowering supplier prices, etc.

Next Gen eCom final verdict

This is definitely better than his previous course. There’s a lot more content, and it explains 2 of the most popular marketing strategies.

However, for the price, you can learn a lot more. Take eCom Elites as an example; you’ll learn everything from this course – and nearly a dozen more marketing strategies – for just $197.

I have gone through a lot of these dropshipping guru courses and personally, a lot of them are overpriced courses with very little information. They always try to sell you the dream or the lifestyle rather than actually selling you information. Dropshipping is not an overnight get-rich-quick scheme but, a lot of these gurus make it out like that. That’s why they ask for ridiculous prices for their courses. So, I personally get why you’d not trust these courses.

I have reviewed over 50+ dropshipping and eCommerce courses on my blog and by far the best course I recommend for any beginner or intermediate dropshipper is eCom Elites by Franklin Hatchett. Now, the reason why I love this course is that it’s one of the most affordable dropshipping courses out there and it has literally over 150+ videos. Franklin’s been doing dropshipping for many many years even before it was made famous by a lot of the gurus.

Now if you are still wondering whether you should try it out or not, you should read my eCom Elites Review to make an informed decision on whether or not you should get it or not.

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